Green Butterfly

Crochet by Bethany

Bio 3rd Jun 2010

Hello! I’m Bethany. I guess I should start with the basics. I’m in my early 20s, (creeping into mid-20s!) and I live in Northeast Ohio. I live with my mum, my brother and our three dogs.

I learned to crochet in April 2008. I had originally learned to knit (mostly. Increasing has me stumped to this day!) back in 2006, but gave up on that after a short while because I never got comfortable with the needles. I was hooked from the start, and after a few practice swatches, I took my first project within a week.

I came across the pattern for my bag in the summer of 2009, when looking for something fun and functional to do for a craft swap. I made two of them – one for the swap and one for myself. The original pattern had a drawstring for a handle, and that just doesn’t work for a bag that can easily carry ten pounds! So I set about to fix that and reworked the pattern until the bag resembled an ordinary plastic bag from the store. With the new, wider handles the bag was perfect!

Why the bags? Like everyone else, I’m looking for ways to live greener. What better way than have a pretty reusable bag that can fit more than those flimsy plastic reusable from the store with the store logo across the side?

My goal here is to help everyone become greener with affordable, pretty (or macho!) shopping bags that hold their own.

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